미국 사립유학 프로그램(F-1)
미국 사립학교는 영리단체, 비영리단체(사립재단,종교교단)에 의해 설립된 학교입니다. 공립학교보다 다양한 방식의 커리큘럼과 교외활동이 있으며 통학형태의 데이스쿨(Day School)과 기숙사형태의 보딩스쿨(Boarding School)로 구분할 수 있습니다. 또한 다양한 학비와 지역 선택이 가능한 것이 특징입니다. 공립학교와는 다르게 유학생 비율이 상대적으로 높은 편이지만 지역적 편차가 있는 편이며 학생의 성적에 따라 학교선정의 기회가 주어집니다. 미국 초중고유학의 가장 일반적인 유학은 초중고 사립학교 유학을 의미합니다.
▶ 사립유학 프로그램 장점
- 미국 우수 사립학교에서 연간 2~3만불대의 합리적인 비용으로 유학이 가능함.
- 사립재단의 디렉터, 아카데믹 전담 담당자 및 로컬렙 직접 관리해 안전함.
- 미국인 가정의 홈스테이를 통해 현지 적응 및 영어습득이 빠르며, 추후 미국 대학에 진학하여 학업을 올바로 마치는데 많은 도움이 됨.
- 학생관리시스템을 통해 공항도착, 수업 전 학교방문, 현지 오리엔테이션, 지역관리자의 월별보고서, 성적 등을 학부모님들이 보실 수 있어 안심 유학이 됨.
▶ 사립유학 프로그램 특징
1. 미국 비영리 재단 관리 - 미국재단, 학교담당자, 보수적인 Home Family에 의한 철저한 생활관리와 현지 Local Representative가 매달 학생과 Host Family Contact하며, 매달 Monthly Report를 송부함.
2. 재단의 사립 Director가 직접 방문해 검증된 학교-동부,서부지역 중심의 중,상위권 사립학교 선정하며, AP과정과 Honors가 개설되어 있는 SAT평균 1,600~1,950점 사이의 명문학교 다수보유함.
3. 재단 및 학교에서 엄선한 Host Family와의 생활- 한국인 학생과 가족으로 생활하고자 하는 미국인가정 or 같은 학교에 재학중인 자녀를 둔 가정 or 지역사회의 구성원 중 학교/교회 관련자.
4. 합리적인 유학비용- 관리형 유학이나 Boarding School등 일반 사립학교와 비교해 50%이하의 저렴하고 합리적인 비용으로 중,상위권 사립학교 유학 가능함.
▶ 사립유학 프로그램 신청절차
1. 선발시험- ELTiS시험과 재단에서 정한 선생님과 영어 인터뷰를 합니다.
2. 학교선택-본인의 성적 및 ELTiS와 인터뷰 결과에 따라 학교를 선택합니다.(3개교)
3. 원서작성-학교입학에 영향을 주므로 본인이 성실하게 작성해야 합니다.
4. 원서발송- 프로그램 참가비 중 $4,000 Deposit($2,000 Non-refundable) 을 같이 송부합니다.
5. 학교입학심사 -추가로 학교 인터뷰를 요구하는 학교도 있습니다.
6. Host Famly 배정-현지에서 Host Family 배정이 진행됩니다.
7. 입학허가서 발급-학교로부터 입학이 결정되면 입학허가서(I-20 form)가 발급됩니다.
8. 비자서류준비-학생비자(F-1)를 받기 위한 미국비자 서류를 준비합니다.
9. 비용송금-비자가 통과되면 프로그램 비용 및 학비를 송금합니다.
10. 오리엔테이션-모든 신규참가자는 부모님과 함께 참석합니다.
11. 홈스테이 정보-결정된 홈스테이 정보를 받습니다.
12. 출발-개별 출발합니다.
▶ 사립유학 프로그램 비용
1. School Fees - Tuition, Textbooks, Registration Fee, Activity Fee, School Bus 등...
2. Ogranization Fees- Placement, Homestay, Processing, Network Guardian, Counseling 등...
3. 유학생 보험료- Mutuaid Insurance fee USD 815
4. 기타비용 - Re-placement fee(학교변경시): USD 600
5. 왕복항공료, 유학수속료, 여권, 비자인지대, 개인용돈 별도
아래는 16개의 인기 추천 사립학교 리스트를 참고하시길 바랍니다. 학교에 관련된 더 자세한 사항은 상담을 통해 확인 하시길 바랍니다.
State of Rhode Island
Mount Saint Charles Academy | |||
Address/State | 800 Logee St., Woonsocket, RI 02895 / RI | Established in | 1924 |
Homepage | www.mountsaintcharles.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 401-769-0310 / 401-762-2327 | webmaster@staff.mountsaintcharles.org | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 625 |
Grades | 7-12 | Average SAT | 1,642 |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍBlue Ribbon School ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 99% ㆍAP courses: English Language, English Literature, AP Calculus, Biology, Environmental Science, Chemistry, European History, U.S. History, Psychology, Spanish, American Government and Politics, Music Theory ㆍArts: Electives include Art I, II, III and IV, Architecture I and II, Chorus, Drama, Dance, Multimedia ㆍFacilities: Large Gym, Theater, Music Complex, Performing Arts Center, State-of-the-Art Science Classrooms/Laboratories, Two Computer Labs, Library/Media Center, Ice Arena | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Soccer, Cross-country, Tennis, Volleyball, Golf, Ice Hockey, Basketball, Swimming, Indoor and Outdoor Track, Competition Cheerleading, Baseball, Lacrosse, Football ㆍArts: Art I-IV, Publishing and Design, Band, Wind Ensemble, Chorus, Dance, Drama, Theatre, Honors Portfolio Prep, Graphic Design ㆍClubs: Student Leadership Association, Model Legislature, Math Team, Civil War Roundtable, Mock Trial, Foreign Language Club, Best Buddies, Photography Club, Students Against Destructive Decision, The Earth Crew, Chess and Games Club, The Robotics/Lego League 등 - COMMENTS Arts 프로그램이 잘 갖춰져 있으며 Academic Support Center 가 운영되며 읽기, 공부방법, 수학 Specialist, 화학, 물리교사 상주 입학요건: ELTiS 234점+ 또는 TOEFL | ||
Tuition | $$17,975 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | Reg. Fee $250, Books (Estimated cost) $700, Uniforms(Estimated cost) $500, Lunches $1,000, Bus Fee $1,500 (in certain areas) $24,050 (HF Fee 포함) |
La Salle Academy | |||
Address/State | 612 Academy Ave, Providence, RI 02908 / RI | Established in | 1871 |
Homepage | www.lasalle-academy.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 401-351-7750 / 401-441-1782 | galdrich@lasalle-academy.org | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 1,400 (9-12: 1,415) |
Grades | 7-12 | Average SAT | |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍBlue Ribbon School ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 99% ㆍAP courses: Biology, Calculus AB and BC, Chemistry, Computer Science A, English Language, English Literature, French Language, Government and Politics, Human Geography, Italian Language, Music Theory, Physics B,Physics C-E and M, Physics C-Mech, Spanish Language, Statistics, Studio Art, U.S. History ㆍElective courses: The school offers electives not found in other high schools, such as: Biotechnology, Bioethics, Anatomy, Engineering, Forensic Science, Microbiology, Programming in True Basic, Economics, Architecture, Legal Studies, Personal Finance, Accounting, Micro-Computer Applications, Intro to Business, Sports and Entertainment Marketing, Principles of Marketing and Management, Advanced Computer Systems, Web Site Development, Advanced Drawing, Painting and Printmaking, Acting, Performing Arts, Film and Media Studies, Computer Animation, Video Production, Digital Design and Documentary Studies, Photography | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: 64 teams in 18 sports ㆍArt/Music Programs: very large fine arts program. Internationally recognized theatre program. Dance studio, Full Film Studio, Celtic Arts, Chorus, Pep Band, Performance Bands, Photography, WLSA/Sports Boradcasting ㆍClubs: Robotics Club, American Computer Science League, American Mathematics Competition, Engineering Design Club, Academic Decathlon, Debate Club, Mock Trial, Model Legislature, Model United Nations, Alliance Francaise, La Societa Italiana, Language Honor Societies, National Foreign Language Exam, Spanish Club, Gaming Club 등 - COMMENTS 매우 좋은 College Prep School 이다. 교사진의 85%가 Master's Degree 소지자이며 학교시설은 새로 설비되었고 규모가 크며 훌륭하다. 캠퍼스 또한 대학을 연상시키며 학교건물이 서로 연결되어 있어 추운 날씨에도 외부로 나갈 필요가 없다. 입학요건: ELTiS 234점+ 또는 TOEFL | ||
Tuition | $$19,575 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | Other School Fee $375 $25,050 (HF Fee 포함) |
State of Maryland
St. Mary's Ryken High School | |||
Address/State | 22600 Camp Calvert Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650 / MD | Established in | 1885 |
Homepage | www.smrhs.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 301-475-2814 / 301-373-4195 | admissions@smrhs.org | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 700 |
Grades | 9-12 | Average SAT | 1,628 (ACT: 23.5) |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 100% ㆍAP courses: (25개) American Government, Art History, Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, English Language and Composition, English Literature, Environmental Science, French, Human Geography, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Music Theory, Physics C, Psychology, Seminar, Spanish Language and Culture, Studio Art, U.S. History, World History. | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: (40종목) Cheerleading, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Sailing, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Swimming, Wrestling, Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse, Softball, Track ㆍArts: 다양한 이론과 실기 수업 제공 (Visual Arts includes Advanced Placement courses), Music(Instrumental Music: Concert Band, Jazz Band, String Orchestra, Ensembles), Voice Private Lessons, Chorus Encore Show Choir, Knight Voices, Dance(SMR Dance), Drama(Drama Class, Drama Club, Shakespeare Club, Stage Guild) ㆍClubs: (40여개)A large variety of clubs - COMMENTS 미국내 가장 경쟁력있는 스포츠 협회 중 하나인 Washington Catholic Athletic Conference의 멤버이다. WCAC 팀은 매년 미국 전역의 여러 스포츠 시합에서 우승을 한다. 다양한 과목을 제공하며 아름다운 캠퍼스는 대학을 보는 듯 하다. ㆍ1:1 iPad 프로그램-iPad Air(32 MB이상)필요함 ㆍSTEM Program 제공/ Chinese Class 제공 ㆍSpecialty Tracks (Global and Int'l Studies, Humanities, Performing Arts, Visual Arts) 입학요건: ELTiS 또는 TOEFL점수(65-70: 9,10th, 80: 11th), Skype 인터뷰 (30분 이상) | ||
Tuition | $$21,500 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | App Fee $100 (첫해만), Auxiliary Account Deposit $500, Tech Fee $20 $22,050 (HF Fee 포함) |
Commonwealth of Virginia
Walsingham Academy | |||
Address/State | 1100 Jamestown Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185 / VA | Established in | 1947 |
Homepage | www.walsingham.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 757-229-6026 / -- | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 525 (9-12: 320) |
Grades | PK-12 | Average SAT | 1,784 (ACT: 25) |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 100% ㆍAP courses: English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Calculus BC, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, US History, US Government and Politics, European History, Music Theory, French Language, Latin | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Golf, Lacrosse, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball ㆍArts: Music Theory, Choir, Madrigals, Instrumental Ensemble, Media Arts and Design, Photojournalism, Theater, Art Foundations, Drawing, Painting, Ceramics/3D Design ㆍClubs: Art Service Club, Campus Life, Contemporary Group, Drama, Junior-Senior Chorus, Key Club, Language National Honor Societies, Madrigals, National Honor Society, Newspaper and Yearbook, Stage Crew, Varsity Club - COMMENTS 좋은 지역에 위치한 훌륭한 학교이다. 입학요건: TOEFL (ELTiS 는 지원자에 따라 고려, 원서 심사 후 SSAT 요구할 수 있음.) | ||
Tuition | $$16,500 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | International Fee $2,000, I20 Fee $250 (첫해만), Activity Fee $200, Plant Maintenance Fees $600, Class Fee $40, Parents Board $40, LS Supply Fee $20 $22,500 (HF Fee 포함) |
St. Matthew's School | |||
Address/State | 3316 Sandra Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 / VA | Established in | 1963 |
Homepage | www.smsvb.net | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 757-420-2455 / 757-420-4880 | office@smsvb.net | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 550 |
Grades | PK-8 | Average SAT | N/A |
Focus | - ACADEMICS Blue Ribbon School | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Soccer, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Track and Field, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Golf ㆍClubs: Girls On The Run, God's Helpers, Drama, Chinese Language Classes, Middle School Youth Group, Middle School Tutoring Club, Forensics, Martial Arts, Chess Club, Junior Lego-League, Senior Lego-League, Student Council, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, After-School Art Classes - COMMENTS ESL 과 Brain Benders 제공 ($2,500 추가비용) 입학요건: ELTiS 222점 이상. 성숙하며 영어실력 높은 학생 지원요구 | ||
Tuition | $$8,387 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | Reg Fee $225, I20 Fee $250, Int'l Student Fee $500 $21,050 (HF Fee 포함) |
State of New York
Our Lady of Lourdes High School | |||
Address/State | 131 Boardman Road | Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 / NY | Established in | 1958 |
Homepage | www.ollchs.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 845-463-0400 / 845-463-0174 | koloskyc@ollchs.org | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 730 |
Grades | 9-12 | Average SAT | 1,605 |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 99% ㆍAP courses: Studio Art, Spanish, English, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Statistics, Calculus, U.S. History, Psychology ㆍCollege courses: Public Speaking, English, Spanish, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Psychology, Sociology ㆍArt courses: Adv. Drawing/Painting, 3-D Design, AP Studio Art | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Tennis, Golf, Swimming, Bowling, Fencing, Crew, Ski, Wrestling, Lacrosse, Field Hockey ㆍArts: Art, Band, Choir, Music Ministry, Theater ㆍClubs: Math Club, Mock Trial, National Honor Society, Student Government, Chess Club, Fashion Club, Gaming Club, International Club, Yearbook, Newspaper, Literary Magazine - COMMENTS 학교시설: 강당, 체육관, 도서관이 넓고 쾌적하며 컴퓨터 랩실도 다양 입학요건: ELTiS 224+ 또는 SLEP 55+, Skype 인터뷰 | ||
Tuition | $$11,800 (2018-2019) | ||
Other Fees | Int'l Reg. Fee $450, Uniform $300, Lunch $5 per day $21,200 (HF Fee 포함) |
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Holy Name Central Catholic Jr/Sr High School | |||
Address/State | 144 Granite Street, Worcester, MA 01604 / MA | Established in | 1942 |
Homepage | www.holyname.net | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 508-753-6371 / 508-831-1287 | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 560 |
Grades | 7-12 | Average SAT | 1,542-1,875 |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 99% ㆍAP courses: English Language, English Literature, US History I, US History II, US Government, Calculus, Biology, Physics, Computer | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Football, Soccer, Field Hockey, Cheerleading, Golf, Cross Country, Swimming, Basketball, Indoor Track, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, Tennis, Lacrosse ㆍArts: Band, Chorus, Theatre, Jazz Ensemble,Spring Musical, Fall Play ㆍClubs: Yearbook/Digital Design, National Honor Society, Ski Club, NAP TV, Peer Tutoring, SMASH, Mock Trial, Math Team, S.A.D.D, Eucharistic Ministers, Christian Leadership, Investment Club, TAP, International Club, Camp Sunshine, Literary Cafe, Chess Club, Campus Ministry 등 - COMMENTS 제공하는 학과목이 다양하며, 스포츠를 포함한 액티비티도 종류가 많다. STEM Progrma 제공 입학요건: ELTiS 224점+, SLEP 60+ 또는 TOEFL, Skype 인터뷰 | ||
Tuition | $$8,350 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | Reg. Fee $195, Int'l Student Fee $3,500, Books $575, Uniforms $450, School Lunch $900, Bus Fee $1,500(If applicable), Activity Fee $750 $22,700 (HF Fee 포함) |
State of Connecticut
Holy Cross High School | |||
Address/State | 587 Oronoke Rd, Waterbury, CT 06708 / CT | Established in | 1968 |
Homepage | www.holycrosshs-ct.com | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 203-757-9248 / 203-757-3423 | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 500 |
Grades | 9-12 | Average SAT | 1,560 |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ% to College: 97% ㆍAP courses: English, Language and Composition, Calculus, Statistics, US History, European History, Psychology, Biology, French, Spanish, Studio Art | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Football(B), Wrestling(B), Golf, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Volleyball(B), Swimming and Diving, Indoor Track, Outdoor Track, Cheerleading, Softball(G), Tennis, Lacrosse ㆍArt/Music Programs: Extensive Art and Music program, Art Gallery, New Art Center ㆍClubs: Amigos Spanish Club, Art Club, Athletic Council, Audio-Visual, Au Chocolat, Bocce Club, Book Club, Bowling Club, Bridge Club, Chess Club, Crosstones, Debate Team, Diversity Club, Film Club, Freshmen Committee, Girls Choir, H.C.T.V., Helping Hands, Jazz Band, Junior Committee, Mock Trial Team, Model UN Club, National Honor Society, Photography Club, Ping Pong Club, President's Council, S.A.D.D., Senior Committee, Ski and Snowboard Club, Sophomore Committee, Student Council, Student Theatre, Team Green, Ultimate Frisbee, Video/Games Club, Visions, Yearbook, Yoga Club - COMMENTS 캠퍼스가 넓고 아름다우며 학교 주변환경이 좋다. 새로지은 Art 와 Technology 센터가 훌륭하며 미술과목이 잘되어있다. AP, Honors, College Credit 코스를 제공하며 수업이 Block Schedule로 진행된다. 입학요건: ELTiS 234점 이상 또는 TOEFL 혹은 SLEP is ok for this school, Skype 인터뷰, School Application 있음. | ||
Tuition | $14,950 (2016-2017) | ||
Other Fees | App. Fee(new students only) $100, I-20 Processing Fee(new students only) $250, Additional HF Stipend $3,500, Family Grant $2,500 |
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
York Catholic High School | |||
Address/State | 601 East Springettsbury Ave, York, PA 17403 / PA | Established in | 1927 |
Homepage | www.yorkcatholic.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 717-846-8871 / 717-843-4588 | hhoffman@yorkcatholic.org | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 615 |
Grades | 7-12 | Average SAT | 1,596 |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 98% ㆍAP courses: Biology, Calculus, Foreign Language, and Business | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling, Bowling, Ping Pong Club, Ski Club ㆍArts: Art Club, Band, Choirs, String Club, Drama, Stage Crew, Art Club, Colorguard ㆍClubs: Science Fair, Student Council, Peer Helpers, Youth Group, Chapel Aide, Homecoming Committe, Knit and Crochet Club, Language Clubs, Library Aide, Lit Society, Mission Moderators, Mock Trial, National Honor Society, SADD - COMMENTS 학교 규모가 큰 편인데 비해 국제학생들에 대한 보살핌이 카운슬러 선생님을 통해 잘 이루어지고 있으며, Study Hall 시간에 담당 선생님이 학생들에게 학습적으로 부족한 부분을 도와준다. 다양한 activity와 club을 보유하고 있는 학교이다. ESL 제공 (Bridge Program, 별도비용) 입학요건: ELTiS 222점+, Skype 인터뷰 | ||
Tuition | $12,000 (2018-2019) | ||
Other Fees | Reg. Fee $250, Application Fee $25, Capital Improvement Fee $100, Technology Fee $100, PA Clearance Fee $100 $21,700 |
Bethlehem Catholic High School | |||
Address/State | 2133 Madison Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017 / PA | Established in | 1923 |
Homepage | https://becahi.org/ | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 610-866-0791 / 610-866-4429 | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 760 |
Grades | 9-12 | Average SAT | 1,641 (ACT: 24) |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 98% ㆍAP & Honors courses: English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Statistics, Calculus (AB), Calculus (BC), Biology, Chemistry, U.S. History, Spanish Language & Culture | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball, Wrestling, Track and Field, Baseball, Lacrosse, Softball ㆍArts: Art I-V, Structure Design, Music Theory, Band, Theater Program, Choir, Dance, Photography Club ㆍClubs & Activities: Science Fairs, Debate Team, Chemistry Olympiad, Scholastic Scrimmage, Chess Club, Engineering Team, Mock Trial, French Club, Spanish Club, Video Production Club, Key Club, Eco Club, International Club, Student Council, Math Club - COMMENTS 좋은 환경에 위치한 큰규모의 가톨릭 학교이며 Layfayette 대학에서 College 과목과 Engineering 과목을 같이 제공한다. SAT/PSAT Training Classes 가 있다. ESL (영어가 부족할 경우 한 학기 이상 수강해야 함. 별도비용) 입학요건: ELTiS 222점+. Skype 인터뷰 | ||
Tuition | $$13,500 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | Reg. Fee $200, Student Fee $1,000, PA Clearance Fee $100, Allentown Diocese Liability Insurance Fee $500, Activity Fee ($500) $13,500 (2019-2020) |
Conwell-Egan Catholic High School | |||
Address/State | 611 Wistar Rd., Fairless Hills, PA 19030 / PA | Established in | 1957 |
Homepage | www.conwell-egan.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 215-945-6200 / 215-945-6206 | info@conwell-egan.org | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 400 |
Grades | 9-12 | Average SAT | 1,620 |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍAP courses: Chemistry, Biology, U.S. History, Language and Composition, Literature and Composition, Psychology, Calculus, Studio Art ㆍHonors: In all core subjects plus Communications, Global Studies, Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology, International Business, EAST, Art, Choral and Instrumental Music | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Football, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, Field Hockey, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Basketball, Bowling, Baseball, Track, Softball, Lacrosse ㆍArts: Art I, II, III, IV, Instrumental, Choral, Theatre, Concert Band, Art Club, Darma Club, National Art Honor Society ㆍClubs: Robotics, Mathletes, Big Brothers/Sister Peer Mentors, Chorus, Community Service Corps, Concert Band, Debate Team, Junior Prom Committee, Literary Magazine(The Secret Rose), Mathletes, Multicultural Awareness Club, National Honor Society(NHS), Newspaper(The Crier), Office Aides, Photography Club, Pro-Life Club, Senior Prom Committee, Spirit Council, WCEC-TV, Yearbook(Aerie) (학교방문기) 적당한 규모의 깨끗한 시설을 자랑하며 EAST(프로젝트 기반)이라는 훌륭한 프로그램을 가지고 있다. ESL 제공 (학비에 포함) 입학요건: ELTiS 222점+ 또는 TOEFL, Skype 인터뷰 | ||
Tuition | $$9,600 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | Reg. Fee $175, School Fee $1,850, Uniform $250, Books $100, PA Clearance Fee $100 $22,700 (HF Fee 포함) |
State of New Jersey
Camden Catholic High School | |||
Address/State | 300 Cuthbert Rd., Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 / NJ | Established in | 1887 |
Homepage | www.camdencatholic.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 856-663-2247 / 856-661-0632 | admissions@camdencatholic.org | |
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 800 |
Grades | 9-12 | Average SAT | 1,707(Top 10%: 1,925) |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 99% ㆍAP courses: English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, U.S. History, European History, Psychology, Calculus, Chemistry, Biology, Studio Art, Art History | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Cheer-leading, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Cheerleading, Swimming, Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse, Softball, Track ㆍArts: Musical, Drama, Select Choir, Concert Choir, Instrumental Music, Concert Band, Show Band, Field Band, Jazz Band, Fusion Band, Advanced Band ㆍClubs: Student Government, Rutgers Academic Challenge, TV Studio, media and Technology Crew, Yearbook, Creative Writing Club, Environmental Club, Photography Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions - STRENGTHS ㆍ학교의 규모가 크며 각종 설비가 잘 마련되어 있다. ㆍ스포츠 활동은 Southern New Jersey 내에서 최고수준이며 다양한 Activity를 제공한다. 특히 예술활동은 40% 이상의 학생이 매년 열리는 큰 공연에 참가할 정도로 매우 활발하며 다양한 밴드부와 큰 극장을 보유하고 있다. Virtual High School과의 파트너십으로 다양한 과목을 제공하며 Seton Hall University와 Camden County College 와도 Dual Credits 프로그램을 제공한다. -COMMENTS College Prep Educational Services 제공(별도비용): ESL Classes, TOEFL, SAT 준비반 등 입학요건: TOEFL, Jr. TOEFL 또는 ELTiS 232 점+, SLEP, Skype 인터뷰, 학교원서추가 | ||
Tuition | $13,300 (2018-2019) | ||
Other Fees | Int'l Student Orientation $1,300 (첫해만), ESL $3,000 (해당자에 한함.첫해만), Bus Fee $999 (해당자에 한함) $22,700 (HF Fee 포함) |
State of North Carolina
Calvary Baptist Day School | |||
Address/State | 5000 Country Club Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27104 / NC | Established in | 1971 |
Homepage | www.calvaryday.school | Religion | Christian |
Tel./Fax | 336-765-5546 / 336-714-5577 | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 563 (9-12: 206) |
Grades | K-12 | Average SAT | 1,712 (ACT: 25) |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 100% ㆍAP Courses: Calculus AB, Chemistry, English Literature, Environmental Science, European History, Human Geography, Psychology, Statistics, Studio Art, US History ㆍHonors Courses: Theology & Biblical Studies, III & IV, English I, II, III & IV, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Statistics, Advanced Functions & Modeling, Biology, Chemistry, Intro to Physics & Chemistry, Physics, Human Anatomy, Western Civilization, American Government, US History, Spanish III & IV, Psychology, Yearbook III & IV, Debate III & IV, Art III, Independent Study Art IV, Independent Study Photography II, Music Ensemble III & IV, Theatre III & IV | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball ㆍArts: Arts C lub, Drama, Music Ensemble, Vocal Ensemble, Theater, Photography, Art Classes ㆍClubs: Calvary Ambassadors, Calvary Crazies, Debate Club, Digital Club, Ecology Club, Executive Leadership Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mock Trial Team, Moot Court, Mu Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, Outdoor Club, Service Club, Spanish National Honor Society, Student Council, Yearbook -COMMENTS Technology (Interactive Boards,3D Printer, Computer Lab, Robotics, DSLR Camers, Google Chrome Books) 제공/ Learning Resources Program(Language Therapy, Subject Tutorning)제공 입학요건: TOEFL75 (Jr. TOEFL 750) 또는 ELTiS(영어권 재학생 면제), Skype 인터뷰 | ||
Tuition | $$16,384 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | App Fee $100 (첫해만), Enrollment Fee $50 (첫해만), Curriculum Fee & Tec. Fee $900 $20,700 (HF Fee 포함) |
State of South Carolina
Wilson Hall | |||
Address/State | 520 Wilson Hall Rd., Sumter, SC 29150 / SC | Established in | 1967 |
Homepage | www.wilsonhall.org | Religion | Nonsectarian |
Tel./Fax | 803-469-3475 / 803-469-3477 | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 785 |
Grades | PK-12 | Average SAT | 1,821 |
Focus | ACADEMICS ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 100% ㆍAP courses: U.S. History, English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Chemistry, Computer Science, Studio Art: Drawing, 2D, 3D, Music Theory, French Language, Latin, Spanish Language, Calculus AB, Biology, Physics, European History, U.S. Government and Politics ㆍHonor courses: Pre-Calculus, Anatomy, English, Geometry, Algebra II | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Cross Country, Cheerleading, Equestrian, Football, Golf, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Bowling, Baseball, Soccer, Softball, Sporting Clays, Track ㆍArts: Choir, Instrumental Ensemble, Drama, Art Club, Art Honor Society, Theater Tech, Photography, Art I-IB/Pottery, Drawing, Music Theory ㆍClubs: Academic Teams, Art Club, Art National Honor Society, Beta Clubs, Baron Ambassadors, Baron Book Club, Baron Mentors, Brownies/Girl Scouts, Charity Water Club, Chess Club, Chorus, Creative Writing Club, Debate Team, Drama Clubs, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, First Priority Club, French National Honor Society, Instrumental Ensemble, Junior Bassmasters Fishing Club, Key Club, Latin Club, Latin National Honor Society, Lego Club, Literary Magazine, Literary Meet Competition Team, Math Teams, Model Arab League, National Honor Society, Newspaper, Nike Club, Peer Tutors, Photography Club, Spanish Club, Spanish National Honor Society, Student Council, Yearbook 입학요건: ELTiS 222점+ 또는 TOEFL 70, 입학시험(영어, 수학) 있음. | ||
Tuition | $7,640 (2020-2021) | ||
Other Fees | Int'l Student App. Fee $500, Instructional Fee $200, Building Fund Fee $300, Security Fee $150, Tuition Refund plan $207 $20,150 (HF Fee 포함) |
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Villa Madonna Academy | |||
Address/State | 2500 Amsterdam Road, Villa Hills, KY 41017 / KY | Established in | 1904 |
Homepage | villamadonna.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 859-331-6333 / 859-331-8615 | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 422 (7-12: 205) |
Grades | K-12 | Average SAT | 1,843 (ACT: 28.9) |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍBlue Ribbon High School ㆍ졸업생 대학진학: 100% ㆍAP courses:English Language, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus AB and BC, U.S. History, World History, Spanish Language, French Language, Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, Psychology, Art Drawing, Art Design, Music Theory, Macroeconomics, Human Geography | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Full variety. On-site facilities including Tennis courts, Baseball, Softball and Soccer Fields, State-of-the Art Air Conditioned Gymnasium and Athletic Complex, Weight Room and Treatment Rooms. ㆍArts: Good Fine Arts program (Theatre, Music, Band, Private lessons available) ㆍClubs: Student Council, National Honor Society, Christian Outreach Program(COP), Pep Club, VSADD(Villa Students Against Destructive Decisions), SWAC(Student World Affairs Council), Debate Club, Principal Advisory Committee(PAC), Academic Team, Future Problem Solving Team, Intramurals and more. - COMMENTS National Top 10% 에 드는 매우 훌륭한 College Prep School 임. 제2외국어로, AP Spanish, French, Latin 제공. 국제학생은 첫 해는 팀스포츠 참여 제한 있으나 다음 해 부터는 참여가능. 입학요건: ELTiS 222점+, Skype 인터뷰 | ||
Tuition | $$13,675 (2019-2020) | ||
Other Fees | Fundraising Fee $100, Retreat(9&10) $45, Retreat(11th) $120 $22,050 (HF Fee 포함) |
State of Wisconsin
Xavier High School | |||
Address/State | 6300 42nd St. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411 / IA | Established in | 1890 |
Homepage | www.xaviersaints.org | Religion | Catholic |
Tel./Fax | 319-294-6635 / 319-294-6712 | ||
Type | co-educational | Student Body | 795 |
Grades | 9-12 | Average SAT | 24.3 (ACT) |
Focus | - ACADEMICS ㆍ% to College: 96% ㆍAP courses: English Literature and Composition-British Literature, English Literature and Composition-Literature and Analysis, Government, US History, Calculus, Spanish, Biology, Chemistry | ||
Other Info. | - EXTRACURRICULAR ㆍSports: Football, Volleyball, Golf, Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling, Girls Track, Boys Track/Bowling, Tennis, Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Cheerleading ㆍArts: Music classes and activities include Instrumental (Marching Band, Concert Band, Pep Band, and Jazz Band) and Vocal (VOCE, Xavier Chorale, Women's Chorale, Singing Saints, Bel Canto, Xhilaration Show Choir, and Xuberance Show Choir). Visual Arts include Art (painting, design, drawing, ceramics) and Drama (plays and musicals). ㆍClubs: Key Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions / Students Against Driving Drunk (SADD), Art Club, Battle of the Bands, French Club, Frisbee Golf Club, Galaxy (Variety Show), Intramural Basketball, Junior Achievement, Model U.N., Newspaper (Xpress), Pep Club, Spanish Club, Spiritual Teams, Student Senate, Take Charge (anti-smoking), Trapshooting, Wellspring (Seniors), Xavier Ambassadors, Xavier Speech Company, Youth Leadership for Five Seasons Youth Symposium, Yearbook - COMMENTS 시설이 우수하며 역사가 오래 된 학교로 1998년에 현재의 위치로 캠퍼스가 이전하면서 학교이름도 현 이름으로 개명했다. 새로 캠퍼스가 이전해서 학교 분위기가 깔끔하다. Sports Program과 Fine Art가 매우 활성화 되어 있으며 Football의 명성이 높다. 입학요건: ELTiS 222점 이상(또는 SLEP) | ||
Tuition | $8,795 (2014-2015) | ||
Other Fees | Technology Fee $100, Scheduling Fee $50, Additional HF Stipend $1,500 |
사업자명: (주)더블유브이케이 | 사업자등록번호: 556-87-00237 | 대표자 : 권석태 | 개인정보관리책임자 : 이환열
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